Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sou Bourek

I was reading Dean Koontz's book Life Expectancy when I came across Sou Bourek, Turkish Lasagna, and it sounded delicious, so I looked up a recipe and made it. The sauce was really good and lemon tinted and I made spinach garlic pasta for the layers, but lacking a pasta machine I used a rolling pin which did not quite achieve the thinner than paper effect. Still, it was fantastic! Picture and recipe will be coming real soon! My main goal is to make all kinds of things I find in the regular books I read, any ideas? Let me know!


  1. Yes, pictures please! I'm reading this book right now, and just came across this dish. I wish I was a better Baker lol

  2. Your post made me laugh as I am currently reading Life Expectancy. Just read the sou bourek paragraph and had to come look it up. Yours is the first one I opened! Can't wait to try it, but I will use the pasta roller.
